My Hovercraft is Full of Eels

To Greece by train - and other journeys of the mind, body and soul

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Camping @ Lake Michigan

July 17th, 2011 by callum · 1 Comment · food, islands, travel, USA

When we got to the the camp­site, the first thing I saw was a chip­munk! Please see my last post for some photos.

The next day (after eat­ing some highly colored break­fast cer­eal) we went to Big Sable* Point light­house on the edge of lake Michigan and walked along the beach to find a swim­ming spot without too many dead fish. We swam in the lake for a while but we could­n’t go very deep because of currents.

Big Sable Point Lighthouse

In the even­ing we swam in a smal­ler (but still very big) lake next to the camp­site called lake Hamlin.

The next day we went on a walk around the islands in lake Hamlin and saw some trees that had been gnawed and felled by beavers. We then set off on the long car ride back stop­ping on the way at an ice cream shop that was in an old rail­way caboose.

*Pronounced “saa­bel”


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