My Hovercraft is Full of Eels

To Greece by train - and other journeys of the mind, body and soul

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Hi there! :o)

July 29th, 2011 by callum · 2 Comments · food, haha, islands, travel, USA

Hi! I’m in seattle right now and we will be get­ting on the plane in about four hours so I thought i had bet­ter write about what we’ve been doing.

Jane arrived in Portland last Friday and she was very impressed by Helsers (break­fast cafe) and Powells (the biggest ofline book­shop in the world!). Then we went to Orcas island.

We were on orcas island for four days and we went swim­ming in lakes (but not the sea [but we did paddle in Oregon])

We got to seattle two days ago and saw Pike Place mar­ket, the first ever star­bucks(©®©) and went up the second tallest sky scraper in Seattle.

I was very excited to hear that the cham­bers street museum will open today! I can hardly remem­ber what it was like!

bye now! CALLuM

PS this is what a flamingo looks like:


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2 Comments so far ↓

  • chris

    Hmm. That was a very ran­dom flamingo.

  • beth

    Oh yes, pink flamin­goes are mul­ti­tudin­ous in down­town Seattle. I’ve seen many a flock there. You have to watch out for flamingo poo, it rains down like pink snow sometimes.

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