My Hovercraft is Full of Eels

To Greece by train - and other journeys of the mind, body and soul

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Pedalling for PEDAL

September 1st, 2011 by Chris · 4 Comments · cycling

Jane, Chris and Callum are tak­ing part in the Pedal for Scotland Glasgow to Edinburgh sponsored bike ride (51 miles) to raise money for Portobello and Leith Community wind energy project.

This is a pro­ject run by PEDAL – Portobello Transition Town and Greener Leith, to con­struct and oper­ate the UK’s first com­munity-owned wind tur­bine in a city on land at Seafield Waste Water Treatment Works, Edinburgh owned by Scottish Water, who fully sup­port the initiative.

Callum and Chris cycling past the Falkirk WheelFeasibility work shows the site to be favour­able in terms of poten­tial wind resource. The tur­bine might gen­er­ate between 2 and 4.5 mil­lion kWh of elec­tri­city per annum, enough to meet the aver­age needs of 300‑1300 house­holds. The elec­tri­city gen­er­ated will be sold to Scottish Water or the nation­al grid and gen­er­ate money for the loc­al communities.

The pro­ject is now at a cru­cial stage and we need to secure a fur­ther £10,000 of income by the end of September to pro­gress the pro­ject to plan­ning stage.

Visit the PEDAL web­site for more inform­a­tion on the pro­ject.

We have agreed to match any money we receive in spon­sor­ship up to the value of £500 – so your con­tri­bu­tion will have double its usu­al value!

You can either send your con­tri­bu­tion by post (cheques pay­able to PEDAL) to:

Jane Lewis and Chris Booth,
PEDAL wind turbine,
252 (1F2) Portobello High Street,
Edinburgh EH15 2AT

Or donate via Paypal: 

All money must be received by the end of September.

We’ve all been heav­ily involved in PEDAL over the years and would really value your sup­port to help get this pro­ject off the ground!


4 Comments so far ↓

  • Beth Cross


    It’s great you are doing this. Money is really tight just now, but I would like to con­trib­ute £5– I’ll pop a cheque in the post shall I?


  • chris

    That’s great thanks Beth — every little helps! Yes, of course, you can just send us a cheque.

  • chris

    Many, many thanks to every­one who has donated already. We’ve raised over £280 so far. Our tar­get is £500 in spon­sor­ship — remem­ber we’ll match that, so that would raise an over­all con­tri­bu­tion of £1,000!

  • admin

    Well we made it! Well done Callum espe­cially! The wind was (for­tu­nately) behind us mostly, and the rain did­n’t get too heavy.
    Total raised so far is over £620, and we’ll con­trib­ute a fur­ther £500 to that — very many thanks to all who sup­por­ted us so gen­er­ously — and the wind tur­bine pro­ject too of course.