Welcome to our blog! (Callum explains the title.)
This is where Chris, Jane and Callum are going to document our journey to Greece this summer. Everyone goes to Greece, but we have decided to shun the budget airlines and go by train. The journey will take us from Scotland via London, to Paris, Venice, then by boat to Greece, and probably returning via Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Germany.
We’ll try and tell you about why we’re doing it this way, how we planned the trip, what we encountered on the journey, and what we saw when we got there.
We hope you enjoy reading it, and do please add your comments!
- Chris, Jane & Callum
I wanted to do that when I was 16 — I had read Gerald Durrell’s, My Family and Other Animals — (if Callum hasnt come across it I’d reccomend) and made a plan, but not enough cash — or parental permission.