My Hovercraft is Full of Eels

To Greece by train - and other journeys of the mind, body and soul

My Hovercraft is Full of Eels header image 3

What’s it all about?

Frantic researchingWelcome to our blog! (Callum explains the title.)

This is where Chris, Jane and Callum are going to doc­u­ment our jour­ney to Greece this sum­mer. Everyone goes to Greece, but we have decided to shun the budget air­lines and go by train. The jour­ney will take us from Scotland via London, to Paris, Venice, then by boat to Greece, and prob­ably return­ing via Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Germany.

We’ll try and tell you about why we’re doing it this way, how we planned the trip, what we encountered on the jour­ney, and what we saw when we got there.

We hope you enjoy read­ing it, and do please add your comments!

- Chris, Jane & Callum

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  • Janet

    I wanted to do that when I was 16 — I had read Gerald Durrell’s, My Family and Other Animals — (if Callum has­nt come across it I’d rec­comend) and made a plan, but not enough cash — or par­ent­al permission.

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