My Hovercraft is Full of Eels

To Greece by train - and other journeys of the mind, body and soul

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Travel update

July 12th, 2009 by Chris · 6 Comments · Greece, islands, travel

Only four days to go! Packing has star­ted, camp­ing stuff is being gone through, Chris is get­ting fractious…

Our latest itin­er­ary is on the site — but have no doubt that this will con­tin­ue to evolve as we pro­gress. The latest plan is that we will leave Athens for Paros on Wednesday 22nd, and we’ll camp on Antiparos (smal­ler island neigh­bour­ing Paros). The camp­site there is lis­ted in Cool Camping Europe, so it ought to be good. At the week­end, Kerry & Athena will go to their reunion meal on Paros. Then on Sunday we’ll get the boat to Serifos (already prov­ing a hit with the typo­graphy fans, though we’re not sure it will be as excit­ing a travel des­tin­a­tion as San Seriffe). On Wednesday we plan to get the boat to Kimolos, then back to Athens via the overnight ferry on Friday, 31 July.

We’re plan­ning to stop at as many inter­net cafes as we can along the way, so look out for reg­u­lar updates to the blog — and don’t be afraid to leave your own com­ments and sug­ges­tions. (If you’ve been to any of these places, do tell us what to look out for and what to avoid!)


6 Comments so far ↓

  • Rachael

    ooooh! Its so excit­ing, and I am very jeal­ous of you and your admir­able adven­ture! If we don’t see you have a great time, eat lots of feta cheese and mous­saka for me! lots of love the Reeves/Yates gang xxxxx

  • Martha

    Hello All,
    Good to know you are well on your way.
    We are fine but the weath­er here is appalling. lots of very heavy rain so the allot­ment will not need water­ing yet. No sign of Penny but we’ll manage.
    Keep on enjoy­ing yourselves.
    Lots of love,

  • Martha

    Idon’t know what I am doing wrong,but hope some­thing gets to you.

  • Gordon & Martha

    Glad you are mak­ing good pro­gress to Athens. M. is not feel­ing so good today so we skipped the kirk. I will watch the golf per­haps this pm. Otherwise work­ing hard as ever with my obdur­ate cli­ents! Take care of the heat!

  • callum

    that got to us!

    Callum Mullac

  • callum

    we got that too !!!!

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