My Hovercraft is Full of Eels

To Greece by train - and other journeys of the mind, body and soul

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Entries Tagged as 'trains'


July 13th, 2009 by Chris · 1 Comment · Greece, resources, trains, travel

I’m going to note here some of the resources we’ve found use­ful in plan­ning the trip. Firstly I have to men­tion the remark­able Man in Seat Sixty-One web­site. This is run by Mark Smith, an indi­vidu­al rail travel enthu­si­ast, who has col­lec­ted togeth­er an enorm­ous amount of help­ful inform­a­tion about trav­el­ling by rail in Europe (and […]



Is it really greener to fly?

June 28th, 2009 by Chris · 2 Comments · climate change, flights, trains

Until the oth­er week, I’d assumed that it was com­pletely clear that fly­ing (par­tic­u­larly long-haul, but all fly­ing to some extent) was a really Bad Thing in terms of its con­tri­bu­tion to cli­mate change. I’ve not stud­ied the cli­mate change sci­ence in much detail, but I con­stantly hear from those who have that fly­ing is […]



Callum’s list of things to do on a boring lllllllllooooonnnnngggg distance train

June 26th, 2009 by callum · 3 Comments · Greece, trains

write a story that has the same num­ber of chapters as sta­tions you go through. As soon as you stop at a sta­tion you have to start a new chapter. eat a sand­wich by tak­ing a bite whenev­er you pass a hill.



Getting on board

June 21st, 2009 by jane · 6 Comments · Greece, trains

I’ve just been to see The Age of Stupid, a very hard hit­ting film about cli­mate change.  It’s left me won­der­ing, yet again, how we man­age to change atti­tudes, and fast. I want people to read our blog here and be inspired to not fly and to go for that big train ride adven­ture once […]



Train tracks calling

June 18th, 2009 by jane · 3 Comments · Greece, trains

We don’t have a car and we haven’t  flown for 8 years (except when I went to Shetland for work in November, and again in May :)) We use trains a lot.  I mean a lot.  But I haven’t done a grand European train voy­age for years. In the sum­mer of 1989, hav­ing spent a week on […]

