My Hovercraft is Full of Eels

To Greece by train - and other journeys of the mind, body and soul

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Entries Tagged as 'climate change'

Drive through ATMs and other drive throughs

July 23rd, 2011 by jane · 3 Comments · climate change, resources, USA

In Asheville’s lovely organ­ic food store I asked where the nearest ATM was.  The very friendly chekout per­son gave me clear dir­ec­tions to a Whachovia ATM just across the park­ing lot.  I walked across and it was only when I got right there that it dawned on me that what i was doing was unusual […]



The American’s car is his castle

July 16th, 2011 by jane · No Comments · climate change, travel, USA

Venture, Highlander, Uplander, Hummer, Trailblazer, Envoy, Mariner, Dodge, Riverado, Silverado, Avalanche, Liberty, Power Stroke, Grand Prix, Avenger, Infiniti, Yukon, Montana, Dakota Sport, Grand Cherokee Names of vehicles at the Ludington State Park camp­ground.  Most of them huge. 



This flying lark

July 9th, 2011 by jane · 3 Comments · climate change, flights, travel, USA

Up at 4am after very little sleep. I’m really nervous about fly­ing so far after so long — this mys­ter­i­ous and magic­al pro­cess over which we have no con­trol and which seems to work on trust alone — and not look­ing for­ward to the bur­eau­crat­ic, unwel­com­ing and offi­cious immig­ra­tion pro­cesses. Also full of the dilem­mas of hav­ing chosen to […]



Be patterns, be examples

July 6th, 2011 by Chris · 2 Comments · climate change, flights, USA

Be pat­terns, be examples in all coun­tries, places, islands, nations, wherever you come, that your car­riage and life may preach among all sorts of people, and to them; then you will come to walk cheer­fully over the world, answer­ing that of God in every one. George Fox, 1656 That fam­ous Quaker quote seems appro­pri­ate as we set […]



Just Saving

September 14th, 2009 by Chris · No Comments · climate change

Sara, who we know as the Powerpod Worker for the Woodcraft Folk, is doing a sponsored cycle trip to Morocco. At 2,400 miles by ped­al power alone it makes our train trip seem a very cushy num­ber! She’s ask­ing every­one to spon­sor her, but not in the usu­al, bor­ing way of giv­ing money to some worthy […]



Is it really greener to fly?

June 28th, 2009 by Chris · 2 Comments · climate change, flights, trains

Until the oth­er week, I’d assumed that it was com­pletely clear that fly­ing (par­tic­u­larly long-haul, but all fly­ing to some extent) was a really Bad Thing in terms of its con­tri­bu­tion to cli­mate change. I’ve not stud­ied the cli­mate change sci­ence in much detail, but I con­stantly hear from those who have that fly­ing is […]

